The New Normal.
Artist Statement
From the pandemic that struck us all in March 2020, society is finally brought back together but life is completely different. I found it interesting that our “normal” is not normal at all. I saw that life is so different in my eyes, and was curious so see what it is like in others now. This past month I focused on observing how different things are and what new things we picked up that are apart of our everyday lives. From businesses filling their windows for advertisements and safety measures to prevent COVID 19, to people yelling at each other in order to communicate through a mask. I traveled to multiple locations around Charlotte and talked to many people about their own perspective on the new normal.
"Life's hard, but you appreciate it more now."
"Support from others really goes a long way..."
"I am just thankful that our business is still open, with all the support we get from our customers, there was a time when I really did not think we would make it..."
"People walk into places now and all you see is their eyes, its hard to show ones genuine self behind the mask..."
"Iv'e learned to show kindness through my eyes instead of smiling."
"There is so much we did to prevent, we forgot to live at one point..."
"It's hard to breathe."
"Theres a blockade, you can't relate to and be there anymore like you used to."
"Life is now just black and white to me. I took it for granted before. I miss it..."
"It has become a necessity now. I leave my house and always check for keys, wallet, and a mask. Thats the new checklist."